Hey! Autux here with more from a Teenage Perspective. Last time we discussed step one of

my new Arajee skincare regimen where I reviewed the Skin Script Rx, Raspberry Refining

Cleanser. Now, let’s chat about the fabulous Skin Script RX Retinol 2% Exfoliating Scrub

from Arajee Skincare Spa Store that left my skin so smooth & feeling amazingly refreshed. I

thoroughly enjoyed the texture of the scrub as it felt very natural & gentle on my skin. It

had a light fragrance to it which was refreshing compared to most exfoliators I have tried

in the past. It was very easy to apply & rinse off.

Sadly store-bought exfoliators may contain small pieces of plastic or chippings from peach

pits which can be very rough on your face & cause dryness or irritation from small

scratches on the surface. These exfoliators will leave your skin very dry which will then

trigger your body into producing more oil to replenish the excessive amount of healthy oil

that was lost when scrubbing.

While it may be a myth that dirty skin causes acne, exfoliating properly is definitely known

to help prevent or reduce acne. Depending on your lifestyle & skin type, your exfoliating

regimen can differ wildly. Don’t let that scare you though. Angela from Arajee Skincare Day

Spa in Sarasota, Florida is here to the rescue to help you make this transition go much

smoother leaving you with healthier & more rejuvenated looking skin.

The Retinol 2% Exfoliating Scrub did not abuse the sensitive skin on my face nor strip my

skin of the necessary oil it needs to stay moisturized & elastic. Speaking of smoother; did

you know that moisturizing after exfoliating is the most important thing you can do. You

want to ALWAYS moisturize after exfoliating, even if you gently exfoliate. I can not wait to

use it again next week. Check out my before & after pictures to see for yourself how

amazing these products truly are!

Follow my blog to find out more about my new skincare regime, the products that REALLY

work, what my fabulous results look like and how YOU can become acne free by joining the

Arajee Skincare Face Reality Acne Bootcamp for the best acne treatments in Sarasota, Florida! 

See you next time! Until then...count to Zen!

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